{ The Things Some People Will Do For A $29 Lift Ticket }

Thanks to 40 inches of fresh snow and discount tickets offered at Brighton for their closing weekend, Kates and I had no choice but to head up the mountain last Saturday to enjoy the powder (slush by the end of the day) and the sunshine. The resort had a special $29 lift-ticket deal (compared to the normal $58) for anyone who wore beach wear to the ticket window, so I grabbed my scuba mask, and we stopped by Walmart to get some super-stylish floaties on our way up Saturday morning -- a great idea on all accounts.

The day was clear and warm, and the snow was smooth so we could haul it down some blacks toward the end of the day which was rockin. Overall it was an excellent day, including tree runs, jumps and a little bit of pipe. Have I mentioned how much I love living in Utah? :) Here are a few shots from the day:

Kates at the top of one of the lifts as we strapped in.


Look at how clear the valley is behind us!? Talk about beautiful day. And, PS, who knew my goggle lenses were reflective-y?

About to drop into the pipe.


In other news, the snow storm last week also enabled Kates and I to build this killer snow man. If you can't beat the April snow storms, may as well enjoy them.

Snowman with signature snow top hat. The brussle sprout eyes, carrot nose and fabric scarf were impromptu, but I like the result.



Dave and Catherine said...

I can't begin to tell you how jealous I am right now.

Club Narwhal said...

you guys are So Awesome!!!!

MegRich said...

How fun! You girls are way too funny!

54 canoe said...

Dressing up like that in the snow is so immature.

I like that your snowman is so color coordinated.

Kristie K. said...

That is the best snow man ever!!! And i love the veggie theme, the boys and i made one awhile ago and used milk duds, it was great....but veggies are way better.

you guys should have worn your stuff while you were snowboarding :)

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