Everett got his first taste of snow shoeing, which he loved so much he slept through the whole thing :) And there were 5 other kids there (along with 27 adults) so Ev got plenty of social time and Ty and I got to hang with the other parents in between adventuring out of doors. Ty even took a turn watching, I'm pretty sure, ALL of the kids while everyone else (me included) went skiing and cross country skiing and snow shoeing, respectively. Seriously, he's a champion.
It was honestly the perfect weekend. Sunday graced us with a light, little snow storm. And we all gazed out the picture windows in the cabin living room onto the strong, stoic pines and the meandering, quiet stream in the valley as the snow fell. I tell you what, I may have been born a beach girl, but I have slowly but surely become a mountain girl. They just do my soul so much good. That and all the wonderful people I get to share them with. After having so much time to myself lately, it was such a welcomed treat to spend three whole days with some of my most favorite people, with absolutely no agenda other than relaxing and having fun. Must do item on the life list: Own a cabin in the mountains.
In other news, I'm going to start a weekly mama adventure group in Provo. If you want in, say the word and we will go have outdoor fun together with our littles no less than once a week. Puppies welcome too. Ready....go!
Also also, I just realized I have zero photos of both Ty and I at the cabin. The lamest.