{ Douglas+Nicki= 6 Aesthetic Hours }


Seeing that my good friend Douglas lives approximately 37 minutes away, spending time together usually merits a bit of orchestration and an official name; "Nicki-Douglas time" (pretty ingenious). Last Saturday, Nicki-Douglas time was spent enjoying an array of activities in Salt Lake (at a variety of lovely places), as well as participating in at least one monumentous event (read below for details). The day went as follows:

1. Returning 3 items I purchased online to the backcountry outlet in West Jordan so I could save money on postage. This may not have been the most exciting event, but Douglas was great for 1, running my errand with me, and 2, talking me out of purchsing a down sweater that I don't need.

2. :: Monumentous event occurred here :: Introducing Douglas to Pho at a super yummy Vietnamese restaurant off 3300 South. He rated it an 8 out of 10, with 1 being "I'd rather eat dirt" and 10 being "This is my most favorite food ever!"Not too shabby for a first-food experience...

3. Participating in a "Love Letter Writing Lecture" at the Salt Lake City library, which turned out to be nothing more than a Valentines-card-making class. I think we got duped into going with expectations of fun literary tips and promises of plenty of fluffery puffery language (mostly we went just cause it would be silly, but I'm not sure I would choose "silly" as the actual descriptor for the event...). After taking our seats at the "lecture," we quickly made each other valentines before skidadling. Both of our cards included the phrase "Quack Quack Quack," which we stole from a poem at the end of a love letter in one of the books there that read something like:

"Jack Jack, please come back
So you can hear the ducks go
Quack Quack Quack."
So romantic...

Douglas also guided us through a tour of the honestly beautiful SLC library, and we viewed a photography exhibit of the Amazon after getting directions to the gallery on the bottom floor from a nice woman in the children's section who had a thick Russian accent.

4. Spending quite a bit of time in a consignment vintage store (again off 3300 South) trying on clothing and accessories. The little store was chock full of treasures; vintage clothes, shoes, jewelry, linens, glasses...

5. Rounding the day off eating cupcakes in a greenhouse off the side of Diva's cafe. I got lemon. Douglas got chocolate-orange.

Library craft time. On the left is Douglas' hand after stamping hearts on my valentine, and the right shows the craft table complete with craft supplies.

South atrium area in the library -- so beautiful. The draping canvas below is the ceiling in the children's section of the library. It can be rolled back on nice days.

Consignment shop -- outside and inside.

Gem #1 as modeled by Douglas

Gem #2 as modeled by Nicki

Gems #3 and #4 -- I chose the glasses and Douglas put the jacket on me after coming up behind me and saying something like "OK OK...close your eyes and put out your arms." if ever you want to dress up as an old woman impersonating Michael Jackson, you know where to get your costume.

Eating cupcakes in the greenhouse at Diva's cafe. The green dome glass gave the pictures a funny color, but it was beautiful in there -- definitely a preferable place to enjoy cupcakes. I'm not quite sure why I'm flashing the "We're number one" hand signal...


MegRuth said...

DOOGE-LA! I'm glad to see him on the blog!

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